WordPress and MailChimp

WordPress and MailChimp

WordPress is a great tool for website creation and blogging, but sometimes you need a little more control over the conversations you have with your readers and/or customers. MailChimp is a great tool to announce things to your readers. It can also give you a lot of...

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WordCamp 2013

WordCamp is an informal, community-organized event that is put together by WordPress users of all levels. Everyone from casual users to core developers participate, share ideas, and get to know each other. More info. Panels at WC 2013: (Saturday 9am-5pm) Clean...

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Get Started with WordPress

Get Started with WordPress

At Southwest Cyberport, we're wild about WordPress. And what's not to love? As mentioned in our latest newsletter, WordPress dominates the web. It is possibly the most widely-used publishing platform on the planet, powering over 76 million blogs and over a quarter of...

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WordCamp ABQ 2013 Slides Available

I'm excited to be giving a talk at WordCamp Albuquerque 2013! It's on Saturday Sep 14 at 1pm, called "DNS and WordPress Site Migration". It will cover some of the ins-and-outs of DNS that make it tricky to move a web site or change a site's name. I'll also talk about...

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