Beware Pop-up Survey Scams

Pop-up ads are generally merely annoying, but some can actually pose a threat. Of course, it's the worst that try the hardest to make themselves look legitimate and helpful. You might find yourself faced with one that purports to be a survey of Internet services. And...

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Tech Support Is Easier with a Copilot

Sooner or later, everyone needs help for their computer, or has been called upon by someone – parent, child, sibling, co-worker, or friend – to lend technical assistance for some problem too difficult for the other party to solve. Many times, advice must be given from...

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Superfish Troubles Continue

The March 2015 Portal just came out. It's all about Superfish, adware preinstalled on certain Lenovo laptops, supposedly to enhance user choices and options while shopping. But the software breaks the basic protections embedded in TLS and the digital certificate...

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Recent Exploits Bode Ill for the Future

Every week new intrusive exploits by hackers are found across the Internet. Some unsuspecting new institutional victim is revealed to have been penetrated. Lately most have involved major commercial corporations which had personal data stolen, like the recent assault...

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Anthem Hack: Don’t Panic, Be Vigilant – Update

UPDATE: As of Friday the thirteenth, there have been few new developments save for much sound and fury. Anthem has announced that members and former members data going back 11 years to 2004 is at risk. And they are offering free credit monitoring and identity theft...

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Home Comcast Xfinity Routers As Public WiFi Hotspots

ISP giant Comcast has quietly implemented a plan to turn its home Wifi routers into public hotspots. On the surface, it seems like a good idea, as it would allow their customers to get online easily over a much larger area, no longer confined to the environs of coffee...

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