DSL Basics

DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) is a kind of broadband, that is, a form of highspeed Internet Access that uses a copper telephone connection much like dial-up does.  And like dial-up, DSL also uses a modem to convert computer data into tones and send them through the...

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Basic Web Hosting

This is the second in a series of blog posts about Southwest Cyberport web hosting plans.  If you missed the first one, you can view it here.  You can also read about the technical details of SWCP's web hosting infrastructure on our companion blog.  This article will...

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Search Engine Round-Up

Google reigns as the undisputed king of the jungle, but there's plenty of other critters in this zoo. Despite – or perhaps because of – its predominance and scope, Google may not be the best for every inquiry where personal privacy concerns or a particularly obscure...

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Online Data Storage Security

Security and convenience always seem to be at war with each other. Sometimes it's difficult to understand why security folks are so draconian in their rules. It's never for the day to day normal situations that those rules come into play, but for the failures that...

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Testing your Backups

One of the great challenges of the modern world is keeping your data safe and being able to find it when you need it. Online backups have helped my peace of mind in knowing that my laptops and workstation are being backed up. Since I'm using encryption I know they're...

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Publishing Your Site with Microsoft Frontpage 2000

While our webfarm servers do not have Frontpage Extensions installed, it is possible to publish a site created with Microsoft FrontPage 2000 via FTP.  For relatively simple websites, this can be an easy way to manage your own content without having to write any...

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