WordPress Navigation

Navigation is the way your customers move around your website. The ease with which they find the information they want will make or break your site. See Mark’s previous article on restaurant websites with examples of how to alienate your customers before you even get started. This article, the third in a series on WordPress, discusses how to set up menus.

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Risks and Rewards of File Sharing

Often when people hear the term “peer-to-peer file sharing”, they think of torrents, illegal swapping of the latest movies and music, and resulting lawsuits by the record or movie industries for piracy.  That does happen; however, file sharing encompasses much more...

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.XXX domains have gone live

The .xxx domain registry has gone live.  We've registered several .xxx domains for customers who want to keep them out of the hands of others. Most people don't need to worry about that, but some folks with high-profile domains, or domains that have the potential to...

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10 Free SWCP Services to Help Keep You Secure

At Southwest Cyberport, we know that all we can do to increase our members’ security in their online activities helps keep everybody else safe, too. So we not only offer a lot of good advice to all and sundry right here on the blog, there’s also a number of tools and...

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