Will the Internet Become a Toll Road?
One of the key principles determining how the Internet operates is in danger. And it may disappear altogether if big corporations and the Federal Communications Commission have their way. The result could turn the information superhighway into a toll road, where...
Heartburn over Heartbleed
The online world is buzzing with concern over the latest big security scare - the Heartbleed bug. The problem is in a piece of critical, and widely used, encryption software called OpenSSL. The bug allows an attacker to sift through the short-term memory of a server...
Start 2014 Safe with a Security Checkup
New Year’s annual reboot provides an excellent opportunity to review your overall security situation online. Though many people faced with recent revelations of government and corporate tracking and surveillance may despair of doing anything at all, Internet security...
Government Surveillance – A Scary Story for Adults
Since this summer, a number of disturbing news reports have come out that highlight the amount of ongoing surveillance of the Internet by the National Security Agency. Mainly due to leaks to leaks from former NSA contractor, Edward Snowden, these have outlined a huge...
WordCamp ABQ 2013 Slides Available
I'm excited to be giving a talk at WordCamp Albuquerque 2013! It's on Saturday Sep 14 at 1pm, called "DNS and WordPress Site Migration". It will cover some of the ins-and-outs of DNS that make it tricky to move a web site or change a site's name. I'll also talk about...
WordCamp 2013
WordCamp is an informal, community-organized event that is put together by WordPress users of all levels. Everyone from casual users to core developers participate, share ideas, and get to know each other. More info. Panels at WC 2013: (Saturday 9am-5pm) Clean...