by jnelson | Dec 19, 2014 | Interesting Items, News, Warnings
ISP giant Comcast has quietly implemented a plan to turn its home Wifi routers into public hotspots. On the surface, it seems like a good idea, as it would allow their customers to get online easily over a much larger area, no longer confined to the environs of coffee...
by jnelson | Aug 8, 2014 | News, Security, Warnings
[Note: This is derived from articles originally published in the July and August editions of the SWCP Portal, our monthly newsletter. Due to the importance of the security information they contained, we’re republishing them here for everyone.] Ars Technica tech...
by jnelson | Mar 27, 2012 | News, Security, Warnings
Your friends at the Internal Revenue Service are eager to get everyone to do their federal taxes online. But in their efforts to make everything quick and easy, they’ve wound up helping Internet tax scammers, too. And it’s not a phishing scheme or involves...
by jnelson | Dec 9, 2011 | How the Net Works, News, Security, Tips and Tricks
Often when people hear the term “peer-to-peer file sharing”, they think of torrents, illegal swapping of the latest movies and music, and resulting lawsuits by the record or movie industries for piracy. That does happen; however, file sharing encompasses much more...
by jnelson | Oct 12, 2011 | Security, Tips and Tricks, Tutorials
Wi-Fi radio connections to the Internet at home, the office, and even in your local coffee shop are no longer a futuristic novelty but a convenience that many users rely upon every day. With ease, however, may come a very unrealistic feeling of safety. As you might...