Stuck in the Slow Lane
Interesting new statistics from the Census Bureau concerning individual computer and Internet use in the US came out this week. Depressingly, they confirm that the Land of Enchantment is once again near the bottom. However, another study points out that the whole...Can the Internet be tamed?
The World Wide Web is nearly a quarter of a century old; but it wasn’t until the browser was invented twenty years ago that it took off. Invented by atomic scientists as a means of sharing their experimental results, for such a young technology it’s surprisingly...The Right to Internet Access
How essential is the Net? How vital is access to the Internet at all times? Does being cut off impair or maybe even threaten modern life? If you’re one of the many who would argue that yes, the ability to get online is absolutely basic to life, work, society,...The Solution to DSL Slowdowns
High-speed broadband access is not a luxury anymore, but a necessity. Old-fashioned dial-up is really barely able to cope with email much less modern webpages. They simply have too much going on for dial-up to handle, with all their widgets and scripts, the interactive features, animated graphics and videos.