by jnelson | Jan 20, 2018 | News, Online Tools, Our Blog, Security, Useful Tools
Surfing the web these days is more like trying to navigate a crowded bazaar than gliding through refreshing vistas of good content. Everywhere you turn there is advertising in your face; banner ads, moving ads, talking ads, all seeking to steal your attention from...
by jnelson | Apr 6, 2017 | Our Blog, Security, Warnings
It’s official: President Trump signed the repeal of online privacy rules prohibiting ISPs from selling your browsing history. There are no longer any legal prohibitions for anyone selling the record of places you’ve visited online – or information...
by jnelson | Jun 25, 2015 | News, Security, Warnings
Anyone who harbors suspicions of what the search engine giant might be up was given good reason to be even more alarmed recently. Google has been accused of eavesdropping on users of its Chromium browsers. Some people noticed that the browser would download modules...
by jnelson | Jul 8, 2014 | News, Resources
With the revelations of Edward Snowden and other whistleblowers, the cat’s out of the bag: we’re all being watched 24/7. But along with the government, we’re being followed around the web by a shadowy legion of other parties. Chief among them, and...
by jnelson | May 22, 2014 | News, Security
The news of the latest zero-day (or previously unknown and unpatched) exploit for Microsoft’s browser, Internet Explorer 8, being fixed is still fresh. But another has been announced. This one, however, has not been fixed. Even worse, Microsoft’s known...