Reasons to Use Ad Blockers

Reasons to Use Ad Blockers

Surfing the web these days is more like trying to navigate a crowded bazaar than gliding through refreshing vistas of good content. Everywhere you turn there is advertising in your face; banner ads, moving ads, talking ads, all seeking to steal your attention from...
Helping Seniors Get Online

Helping Seniors Get Online

Back when the Baby Boomer Generation was young, if they wanted to know about new technology, they asked their parents or other adults. But now that they have gray hair themselves, the acknowledged experts on all shiny new things are the young. Many older folks started...
Stopping Windows 10 Upgrade – UPDATE 2

Stopping Windows 10 Upgrade – UPDATE 2

UPDATE, Feb. 6, 2016 – It’s starting to look like the reason Microsoft is so determined to move users to Windows 10 is that it is essentially spyware. One independent researcher installed it on a test PC with all telemetry and feedback turned off, and found that...