Big Changes Coming to Our DSL Service

Big Changes Coming to Our DSL Service

There is a real need for speed on the information superhighway just as there is on the interstate. For decades, Southwest Cyberport has been filling that craving for our members in the Albuquerque metro area, Santa Fe and Los Alamos by partnering with various...
Data Dangers from Outer Space

Data Dangers from Outer Space

Cosmic rays – the very name sounds like a futuristic beam weapon from a new sci-fi movie. But cosmic rays are quite real: powerful atomic particles hurled at near the speed of light by titanic explosions across the depths of intergalactic space. A hail of them, blown...
Free Books!

Free Books!

Book-lovers, silent movie aficionados, lovers of the Jazz Age, rejoice! The summer is coming to an end, along with those long, lazy hours, so perfect for indulging in light vacation reading, or chilling in a dark room watching the silver screen. But pull your head up...
When Bandits Strike

When Bandits Strike

UPDATE: This morning after the DDOS attack, the active steps taken to foil the interference due to the assault seem to be successful. Initial analysis of events has just begun. However, just like climate change, cyberattacks are now part of the new normal. And as...
Prime Time in July

Prime Time in July

The dog days of summer, as they once were called, not only historically came with a lack of serious news, but a slump in the retail market, too. People were assumed to be on summer vacation down at the beach or up in the mountains or off in some distant town. They...