Email Boxes vs Domain Aliases
What’s the difference between an Email box and a Domain Alias? They’re both email addresses, right?
What’s the difference between an Email box and a Domain Alias? They’re both email addresses, right?
If you’ve used WordPress in the past and come back to it now you’re probably dismayed by how much it’s changed. The biggest WordPress evolution has taken place in how you edit pages and posts.
The New Mexico Tech Council is sponsoring a two day event (Sept 7~8) at the Convention Center focusing on the latest global trends and how that effects our local tech community.
The subject of AI has been everywhere lately and with a certain amount of fear and dread and programs writing programs is the subject of many scary sci-fi plots.
This is a quick look at ChatGPT from a programmer’s point of view.
RoundCube, like many Open Source programs, is constantly evolving, adding new features and changing the way you interact with it. Most of the time this is a good thing. Occasionally a change will disrupt the way you use the tool.