The 3D Replicator Revolution Is Here

While the world has been suffering through the Great Recession and many still worry about all the manufacturing jobs lost overseas, the next industrial revolution was quietly launched in garages, basements, and labs right here at home. This new method of producing...

New Technology May Lead to Brain Hacking

The world is becoming even more futuristic – and not necessarily in an entirely good way – with the recent developments in brain-computer interfaces (BCI). This technology involves using electrodes for a computer to read and interpret the electrical impulses generated by nerves firing. Ranging from electrodes actually implanted into the brain to simple skullcaps fitted with an array of attached electrodes, the potential uses are enormous.

The Solution to DSL Slowdowns

High-speed broadband access is not a luxury anymore, but a necessity. Old-fashioned dial-up is really barely able to cope with email much less modern webpages. They simply have too much going on for dial-up to handle, with all their widgets and scripts, the interactive features, animated graphics and videos.

Save on Computers and Gear This Tax-Free Holiday Weekend

If you’re a New Mexican in need of a new computer or accessories, this might be the best weekend of the year to buy them. The New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department has proclaimed a state gross receipts tax holiday this weekend, August 3-5, that’s from midnight Thursday to midnight Sunday, on a wide range of school supplies, both traditional and modern. These include everything from shoes to pencils – including computers and gear.

President Issues Cyberwar Warning

As if we didn’t have enough to worry about, serious cybersecurity concerns are quietly but steadily growing. And it was the President himself who has sounded the latest alarm. Several days ago, President Obama issued a warning in an op-ed piece for the Wall Street Journal.