Not all Clouds are the Same

Cloud computing may be a term both vague and overused, but it is far more than just the latest buzzword. The “cloud” is another way of referring to the Internet; hence “cloud computing” is simply computing done over the Net. In other words,...

Is Cyberwar the New Normal?

The Internet these days is often compared to the Wild West. It, too, is a wide open frontier with endless possibilities, loose rules, limited government controls and not a few rustlers and bandits lurking along its trails. But unlike other frontiers, the Net seems to...

The Right to Internet Access

How essential is the Net? How vital is access to the Internet at all times? Does being cut off impair or maybe even threaten modern life? If you’re one of the many who would argue that yes, the ability to get online is absolutely basic to life, work, society,...

Is Google Getting Greedy?

Google’s Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt is known for frank speaking even when he says something unpopular. Recently, he was at it again, defending his company’s avoidance of British taxes. Documents show that the search giant earned £2.5 billion in UK...