Stuck in the Slow Lane

Interesting new statistics from the Census Bureau concerning individual computer and Internet use in the US came out this week. Depressingly, they confirm that the Land of Enchantment is once again near the bottom. However, another study points out that the whole...

What Does Apple’s New Privacy Policy Mean?

Apple’s CEO Tim Cook has recently been touting the company’s new privacy policy. In a letter to customers, he said that while the company collected user data, that was not the basis of their business model. In an obvious swipe at Google, he claimed: Our...

Dangers of Public Wi-Fi

[Note: This is derived from articles originally published in the July and August editions of the SWCP Portal, our monthly newsletter. Due to the importance of the security information they contained, we’re republishing them here for everyone.] Ars Technica tech...


New Mexico, for all its fame for ancient Indian cultures and rich Spanish tradition, is also a magnet for people who look not to the past but the future. After all, Robert Oppenheimer and Robert Goddard both lived and worked in our state, and the development of the...

US Leads the World in Spam

One interesting fact that didn’t make it into this month’s newsletter article on “The Secret Life of Spam” is that the United States leads the world in the overall volume of spam produced. And by a huge margin, too: according to security site...