Crunch Time for Net Neutrality

On February 26th, the entire fate of the Internet and the future of all humanity will be decided. Or at least, that’s the impression one could get from the wild rhetoric swirling around the upcoming possibly-historic decision by the FCC on Net Neutrality. This...

Anthem Hack: Don’t Panic, Be Vigilant – Update

UPDATE: As of Friday the thirteenth, there have been few new developments save for much sound and fury. Anthem has announced that members and former members data going back 11 years to 2004 is at risk. And they are offering free credit monitoring and identity theft...

Remembering Once and Future Losses on January 28

The fourth week of January is usually cold, dark, bitter and dreary here in the Northern Hemisphere. With the brightness and excitement of the holidays faded away, summer is a distant memory and cabin fever grows, and yet there are scant signs that life and hope will...

Hidden benefits of using SWCP

Not everyone knows all the benefits you get from having an SWCP account and here are a few you might you know about. There’s a coworking space across the hall from us, Ideas & Coffee. If you need a professional place to meet a client or a quiet place to work...