From Roswell to Robots

From Roswell to Robots

Independence Day, our annual festival of American freedom, is here again. But down in southern New Mexico, the Fourth of July comes around another celebration of an entirely different sort. For this weekend, the good citizens of Roswell are holding their grand UFO...
Rebooting the Internet

Rebooting the Internet

Every now and then, most computers need rebooting. The longer one runs, after all, the more applications and processes are engaged and abandoned. Eventually short-term memory fills up with useless data. The machine slows down, activity and connections may become...
Windows 10 Spying and Sharing Is Unstoppable

Windows 10 Spying and Sharing Is Unstoppable

The more that technical types examine Windows 10, the less of a good thing it seems to be. For ordinary users, that is. For the software giant of Redmond and the National Security Agency, however, Windows 10 might be the answer to a dream. Researchers have found, for...
Even Big-Name Sites Are Unsafe

Even Big-Name Sites Are Unsafe

What do the NY Times, the BBC, Newsweek, The Hill,  MSN, AOL, the Weather Network, the NFL, and all have in common? Their popular websites recently served up ads that stealthily try to infect visitors computers with ransomware and other nastiness. The...