SWCP Webmail Changes

SWCP Webmail Changes

Over the years, we have accrued a few different webmail options for our customers. It is time for us to begin phasing out the oldest of these. We encourage you to use https://roundcube.swcp.com going forward, which uses the popular Roundcube webmail software. You have...

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CSS – the Unnoticed Revolution

CSS – the Unnoticed Revolution

While everyone was busy playing with their shiny new smartphones, a revolution in web design happened. Few people noticed it, which is fine because they were not supposed to – in fact, the entire point of the change was to make web content more easily readable and...

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HTML – the Web Beyond Words

HTML – the Web Beyond Words

The internet has become an essential utility of the modern world – such a part of the functioning of our global society that the very name has lost its capitalization. Like other basic services such as electric power, telephone, water, and sewage, the internet’s real...

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Working from Home in the Age of Coronavirus

Working from Home in the Age of Coronavirus

Fears of COVID-19 are already changing the way we work, act, and play. The need to keep safe social distances means that many people will be working from home at least for the near future. Fortunately, the internet makes it all possible. In order to help, Southwest...

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Top 5 WordPress Gotchas

Top 5 WordPress Gotchas

WordPress is one of the easiest content management systems out there, but like all software it does have warts. Here are six things that had me scratching my head for a while.

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