Is the Internet Revolution Over Yet?
That the internet is a revolutionary technology is a cliché by now. Indeed, the signs of this change are all around us, in the smartphones which so many constantly clutch and social media that shares and shapes opinions, not to mention having instant access to vast...
After automatic update, Outlook is only showing partial messages. The fix is to roll back the update. Read more to find out how.
The Hidden Price of Software Piracy
Some people think everything on the internet should be free, including software. A small number of them go beyond freeware and shareware to try to acquire desired programs that are only offered by their creators for money. These people are not all necessarily...
Scarcity and Abundance in Cyberspace
Digital cryptocurrencies and NFTs are all over the news these days, as the April 2021 issue of the SWCP Portal points out. Every day, breathless stories detail the latest developments in this rapidly-evolving field. Lately it’s been a real rollercoaster ride after...
Transformers – AI in Disguise
Imagine an artificial intelligence system that can make up any sort of text desired just from a textual prompt. You want a technical article? Feed it a few technical phrases. Poetry? Give it some poetic samples and the specific words you want included. Computer code?...
Apple Ushers in Sea Changes to the PC Industry
By Mark Costlow, SWCP President Adapted and updated from the SWCP Portal, January and February 2021 In a move that was largely unnoticed outside tech circles, Apple recently introduced a new range of laptops using their own CPU chips. Called Apple Silicon, the current...