SWCP, Data Merchants, and You

SWCP, Data Merchants, and You

It’s official: President Trump signed the repeal of online privacy rules prohibiting ISPs from selling your browsing history. There are no longer any legal prohibitions for anyone selling the record of places you’ve visited online – or information...
New Threats to Macintosh Security

New Threats to Macintosh Security

Since the dawn of personal computers, one premium brand has consistently stayed at the forefront in terms of ease of use, graphics, and other user-friendly features. This brand has been so successful that it almost defined what the personal computer is and can be...
Tax Scam Season Is Here

Tax Scam Season Is Here

Like an early sign of spring, the tax scammers and would-be defrauders are already spreading their evil lies all across the land. And this year, they’ve gotten an early start and seem worse than ever. The IRS says that phishing scams – using email supposedly...
What the Election Hack Means

What the Election Hack Means

Shocked, horrified, or thrilled by the outcome, millions of Americans the day after the popular vote breathed sighs of resignation or relief or even profound despair. Most were just glad that the long nightmarish ordeal of the presidential election was finally over....