Zombie Alert!

With Halloween coming up, the fear and fascination with the walking dead is everywhere. In recent years, the Centers for Disease Control have used zombie alerts to warn of the flu. Highway departments have also zombie mania to get people to try to slow down, though...

Super Speed, Internet TV, and Net Neutrality

There’s a little old lady in Sweden who can surf the Internet at the astonishing speed of 40 gigabits per second. Thanks to an experimental technique developed by her son Peter, Sigbritt Lothberg has the fastest home Internet connection anywhere on the planet. She...

Staying Safe with Wi-fi

Wi-Fi radio connections to the Internet at home, the office, and even in your local coffee shop are no longer a futuristic novelty but a convenience that many users rely upon every day. With ease, however, may come a very unrealistic feeling of safety. As you might...

Pro Web Hosting

This is the third in a series of blog posts about Southwest Cyberport web hosting plans.  If you missed the first one, you can view it here.  You can also read about the technical details of SWCP’s web hosting infrastructure on our companion blog.  This article will...