Watch Out for WordPress Vulnerabilities

Watch Out for WordPress Vulnerabilities

At SWCP, we love our WordPress. This site is run on WordPress, we support the platform and strive to make it as easy and safe to use as possible, and we even host meetings at Ideas and Coffee to discuss how to use it most effectively. After all, WordPress is now used...
Stopping Windows 10 Upgrade – UPDATE 2

Stopping Windows 10 Upgrade – UPDATE 2

UPDATE, Feb. 6, 2016 – It’s starting to look like the reason Microsoft is so determined to move users to Windows 10 is that it is essentially spyware. One independent researcher installed it on a test PC with all telemetry and feedback turned off, and found that...
The Expanse Gets Real

The Expanse Gets Real

Almost exactly a year ago, we first mentioned that The Expanse was coming to Syfy. The first season is half-over now, and we’re delighted to say that the long wait was very much worth it. The series has been rightfully hailed as “the best new science...
Get the Facts about Fiber first

Get the Facts about Fiber first

There’s good news and not-so-good news about fiber optic connections in Albuquerque. The good news: it appears the entire metro area will be getting those fast, reliable connections soon. The not-so-good news: not only will it eliminate older forms of DSL, there...

Beware Fake SWCP Tech Support Email Warnings

It happens just about every day. Some slimy scammer comes up with a new way to impersonate SWCP’s renowned tech support in order to steal your data. Here’s the latest that a customer recently received word for word (only the false tech support phone number...