Hidden benefits of using SWCP

Not everyone knows all the benefits you get from having an SWCP account and here are a few you might you know about. There’s a coworking space across the hall from us, Ideas & Coffee. If you need a professional place to meet a client or a quiet place to work...

WordCamp 2013

WordCamp is an informal, community-organized event that is put together by WordPress users of all levels. Everyone from casual users to core developers participate, share ideas, and get to know each other. More info. Panels at WC 2013: (Saturday 9am-5pm) Clean...

What’s Ignite NM?

I recently mentioned to someone that Ignite  NM was coming up soon and they asked “What’s Ignite?” The simple answer is it’s a conference for people with short attention spans, and it’s about anything that someone is passionate about. The...

WordCamp is coming!

Set aside the second weekend in September (14-15) for learning about WordPress, meeting other folks in the WordPress community and just having fun! WordCamp will be held at the Albuquerque Convention Center this year and we’re expecting a good sized crowd. If...