"Webliography" LI 804 Bibliography Project


Spring 1996

I was assigned the topic "Science Knowledge for the Educated  Generalist" 
and asked to create a bibliography for my colleagues in  the SLIM Regional 
Library Education Program.  Since this was such  a broad topic, I 
narrowed the subject to "Physics and the New  Paradigm."      One of the 
primary themes of the Emporia program has been the  concept of a 
paradigm shift that is taking place throughout  society.  This paradigm 
shift, as conceived by Thomas Kuhn as well  as Schwartz and Oglivy, 
means that our conception of the world is  changing not just in one 
discipline but across multiple  disciplines.  This transformation in the way 
we view the world  implies that the way we think is also changing so that 
the very  questions we are asking are different.  Naturally, such change 
does  not occur at the same rate throughout all of society or throughout  all 
educational disciplines.      

In LI801, Philosophical Foundations of Information Transfer, and  again in 
LI803, Information Transfer and the Knowledge Society, the  question 
arose from students as to where in science can we see  clearly such 
evidence of a paradigm shift.  Both Dean Vowell and  Herbert Achleitner 
indicated that in the field of physics recent  discoveries have led scientists 
to view the universe in new terms.   Here the mechanistic, materialistic, 
determinate, one   dimensional,  orderly world that belonged so securely to 
Newton is definitely  past.      For these reasons, I chose to narrow my 
focus to "Physics and the  New Paradigm."

The purpose of this bibliography is to quickly and easily inform  the reader 
of new developments in the field of physics that impact  not only our 
understanding of the world but also the way  scientists, particularly 
physicists, are approaching their science  today.  This bibliography is not 
intended to educate the reader  about the entire science of physics but to 
give the reader an  overview or general grasp of why this field is so 
exciting and what  specific concepts are the focus of research and 
speculation in the  contemporary scientific community.        This 
bibliography can also familiarize the reader with several  experts and 
authorities in physics thus enabling the reader to  sense the controversy and 
to see the differing opinions that are  such an important part of the current 
scientific atmosphere.      Because this bibliography is meant to show 
physics as it is today      complex, dynamic, and reflecting the new 
paradigm     it does not  include works published prior to l990.  There are 
only two  exceptions to this criteria.  The first is  Dreams of Reason  by  
Heinz R. Pagels (1988).  This is included because of an excellent  review in 
"Scientific American" and because of its visionary  quality.  Time and 
again this work turned up in bibliographies,  references and indexes.  The 
second exception is  Parallel Universes   by Fred Alan Wolf (1988).  The 
ideas here, well   grounded in  scholarship, are just so compelling in terms 
of the new paradigm.      Graduate students, like many others today, are 
busy individuals  under a great deal of stress who have considerable time  
constraints.  For this reason the bibliography does not include    A  Brief 
History of Time    by Stephen Hawking.  This book, along with a  
companion "helper" book, is available in almost any good bookstore.   
Hawking's ideas are respectable and heavily discussed by today's  
physicists.  I just don't know anyone who has the time to read it.   All other 
selections in this bibliography are reasonable in length--so as not to 
overburden the reader.

All the printed materials on this list are readily available by  interlibrary 
loan through the Denver Public Library (DPL) and the  Jefferson County 
Public Library (JCPL).  The books are also  available from the Tattered 
Cover Bookstore with two locations in  metro Denver.  All books are in 
print.  I have indicated where I  located each item and also if it is available 
in paperback.  In the  case of magazines, I have included the home page 
internet address  when available.      Because journal articles tend to be 
technical with mathematical  calculations requiring advanced course work 
for comprehension, I  have not included any in the bibliography.  The 
focus of this  bibliography is not the specialist but rather the educated  
generalist.  However, should a reader be interested in original  research, 
experimental data or further technical information, it  could be pursued by 
choosing an item from the bibliography that has  notes, references and 
bibliography.  I would recommend    Black Holes  and Time Warps:  
Einstein's Outrageous Legacy    by Kip S. Thorne


To compile the bibliography I used the Standley Lake and Lakewood  
branches of the Jefferson County Public Library, the Denver Public  
Library and the Tattered Cover Bookstore.

In the libraries, I used the DPL and JCPL computerized card  catalogues.  
Through ACLIN and CARL, I searched the following  online databases:
1.  Magazine Index   
2.  Infotrack
3.  EBSCO Magazine Article Summaries
4.  Wilson Disk
5.  Books in Print

To find reviews, I used the hard copies of    Book Review Index    and     
Book Review Digest   .  To find biographies of authors, I used the  hard 
copies of    Contemporary Authors   ,    Dictionary of Scientific  
 and    Notable Twentieth Century Scientists   .  To find  information about 
magazines, I used the hard copy    Magazines for  Libraries   .        The 
following techniques were helpful:

1.  Pursuing references and footnotes.
2.  Searching by author's name and title.
3.  Browsing the new books at branch libraries.
4.  Browsing the shelves of all three libraries.
5.  Browsing the Tattered Cover.
6.  Talking with reference librarians at branch libraries.
7.  Reading    The Edges of Science    by Richard Morris.

The least successful search technique was using a keyword search.   I used 
"science", "physics", "complexity", "hologram", "parallel",  and various 
combinations, with little satisfaction.  Either too  much information was 
presented that required extensive scanning or  what was presented was 
irrelevant to my to my topic.

Books listed are in alphabetical order by author.  Magazines are  listed in 
alphabetical order by title.      All books were selected on the basis of the 
authority of the author  and favorable reviews.  Most authors are physicists 
and those who  are not physicists or mathematicians are science writers 
with  graduate work in physics.  Many authors are cross   referenced,  
noted, and sometimes discussed in depth in another's work.   There are two 
books for which I could not find a review.  For this  reason, these items 
are listed separately and recommended with  reservation.      Each 
annotation contains information regarding the author,  publisher, price and 
where this work can be found.  In addition, I  have given each work a 
subtopic which represents a Library of  Congress subject heading given on 
the inside title page.      Included in the annotation is the level of detail, the 
technical  level, and what audience this work seems suitable for.  I have  
pointed out special features where applicable and mentioned  specific 
reviews when such reviews would further enhance the  reader's decision 
process.      Each annotation includes a brief summary and description of 
the  work based on reviews and my own observations.        This 
bibliography contains only those works I have personally been  able to 
access.  I have read many of them.  Physics is a difficult  subject for many 
so this is not a long bibliography.  In compiling  this bibliography, I have 
aimed for quality rather than quantity.      `

Listen, there's a hell of a universe next door: let's go!
e.e. cummings



PART I BOOKS Nature's Imagination: The Frontiers of Scientific Vision Edited by John Cornwell Oxford University Press,1995 $23.00 Delta Science Philosophy JCPL New Books Here are thirteen essays that debate the pros and cons of reductionism in science by the participants of a 1992 symposium at Cambridge University organized by John Cornwell, director of the Science and Human Dimension Project. Contributors include physicist Freeman Dyson who advocates multiple visions rather than a single vision of science, astronomer John Barrow who casts doubt on theories of everything and the concept of the universe as a continuum, and Nobelist Gerald Edelman who, with his colleague Giolio Tonomi, explain their theory of neuronal group selection. Roger Penrose raises questions regarding consciousness, the computational and non computational activity of the brain and urges more exploration in the region between the quantum and classical levels of physics. These are scholarly, well written and well referenced essays that do require some technical expertise for the reader to fully appreciate their significance. Favorably reviewed in "Kirkus" and "New Scientist" this book is a challenge but well worth the extra effort. The Matter Myth: Dramatic Discoveries That Challenge Our Understanding of Physical Reality By Paul Davies and John Gribbin Simon & Shuster/Touchstone $12.00 Science Philosophy JCPL The authors give an overview of the latest developments in physics. The marriage of space and time, black holes as the ultimate state of gravitational clumping, theories involving the origin of the cosmic structure, quantum field theory, and more are made easily accessible to the reader with very little background in the sciences. The chapter on chaos includes a good discussion of solitons, flexons and polarons. But the best feature of this book is new paradigm philosophy. In the preface, the authors state, "the movement toward a postmechanistic paradigm, a paradigm suitable for twenty first century science, is taking place across a broad front." This theme of studying the universe in entirely new terms that are neither materialistic nor mechanistic and in terms that are indeterminate rather than determinate is skillfully interwoven throughout the book. Paul Davies is Professor of Mathematical Physics at the University of Adelaide, Australia. John Gribbin is a science writer. Both have written several other highly acclaimed books. Favorably reviewed in the popular press, The Matter Myth offers a flowing synthesis of ideas that make sense out of very difficult concepts in physics. The Quark and the Jaguar: Adventures in the Simple and the Complex Murray Gell Mann H. Freedman & Co.,1994 $23.95 Complexity JCPL According to Murray Gell Mann, the topic of this book is "the central theme of simplicity, complexity, and the complex adaptive systems the theme that connects the quark, the jaguar, and humanity." The author covers plenty of territory here. Donna Seaman in a review for "Booklist" (April 1994) says, "reading this challenging book is like climbing a steep set of stairs." Concepts of elementary particles within the framework of quantum field theory including the standard model and superstring theory are explained as well as "quarks," those fundamental constituents of the nucleon that Gell Mann himself identified. But when Gell Mann connects this discussion to the selection pressures operating in complex adaptive systems, especially in biological evolution, and then proceeds into policy matters regarding nationalistic strife and global problems, I have to agree with David Lindley in "N.Y. Times Book Review" who calls his comments "unremarkable." Gell Mann, a Nobel laureate and one of the earliest members of the Sante Fe Institute, tries too hard to demonstrate the inter- disciplinary nature of complexity. Written for the general reader, The Quark and the Jaguar does not include notes, a bibliography nor any suggestions for further reading. Yet a reviewer in "Scientific American" cites its well deserved popularity. Read the chapters on elementary particle physics because Gell Mann, having discovered the quark, is today's primary authority on the topic. Black Holes and Baby Universes and other Essays By Stephen Hawking Bantam Books,1993 $12.95 Cosmology Paperback If you didn't have the time or energy to read A Brief History of Time here is your chance to quickly and easily digest Hawking's thoughts on imaginary time, black holes, the birth of universes, the future of our universe and the search for the unified theory of everything. In these fourteen essays written over the course of sixteen years the author plainly expresses his views on the value of life, public attitudes toward science, his own disabling disease, his childhood in England, his education at Oxford and Cambridge, his strategies in writing A Brief History , and his perceptions of death. Through many autobiographical details Hawking reveals his fine sense of humor and his enthusiasm for cosmology, physics and astronomy. His message is "the universe is governed by an order that we can perceive partially now and that we may understand fully in the not too distant future." The book does have an index but the work is fairly simple and void of any fancy formulas or jargon. As a reviewer for "Astronomy" states, this book is written for those "who take their science in small doses." The Nature of Space and Time By Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose Princeton University Press, 1996 $24.95 Cosmology Tattered Cover Paperback Between 1965 and 1970 Stephen Hawking worked with Roger Penrose in developing mathematical techniques to show that there was a state of infinite density in the universe. In this series of six lectures that end in a final debate both physicists explain their completely opposite positions regarding a single quantum theory of gravity. Penrose, like Einstein, does not believe that quantum mechanics is the necessary extra ingredient to the theory of relativity to determine how the universe should begin a nd what should happen when matter collapses under its own gravity. The no boundary hypothesis that Hawking holds postulates the universe will expand forever and that the quantum phenomenon and the uncertainty principle are unavoidable. This work distinctly points out how much Hawking and Penrose differ in their opinions regarding quantum mechanics and relativity. Further, it gives insight into two very respected scientists' thought processes as each attempts to "comprehend the incomprehensible." If A Brief History of Time was not brief enough for you but Black Holes and Baby Universes seems a little too lightweight, this somewhat meatier book may be just right Fire in the Mind: Science, Faith, and the Search for Order By George Johnson Alfred A. Knopf,1996 $27.50 Complexity DPL George Johnson's Fire in the Mind , according to a review in "Scientific American," is an eloquent and remarkable book about complexity. The author examines not only how people search for order in a capricious world but also why. Set against the backdrop of northern New Mexico, Fire in the Mind compares point by point the stories science and religion tell of how the world began, what it is made of, where life came from and what the future holds. Johnson also discusses the social functions of knowledge and understanding, the fragility of secret knowledge and the robust nature of scientific knowledge because it is open and accessible to everyone. By juxtaposing a diversity of groups such as the physicists of Los Alamos, the scientists of the Sante Fe Institute, a Catholic sect called the Penitentes, and the Indians from the San Ildefonso pueblo Johnson casts new theories of physics and biology in a new light. Not a scientist himself, Johnson has written three previous books, writes about science for "The New York Times"" and his written regularly for "The New York Times Book Review" and "The New York Times Magazine." Fire in the Mind includes notes, a bibliography and index. Hyperspace Michio Kaku Anchor Books, Doubleday, 1994 $14.95 Astrophysics Tattered Cover Paperback Hyperspace is the popular term for the Kaluza Klein theory, supergravity or superstring, which refers to the theory in its most advanced mathematical formulations. This theory states that the world exists in ten dimensions rather than the commonly held four dimensions of length, width, breadth and time. Kaku develops four themes in Hyperspace : (l) the early history and meaning of the theory; (2) how the theory may be the "theory of everything" that has eluded physicists since Einstein; (3) implications of the theory such as wormholes, time machines, and inter universe hyperspace travel; and (4) when we will be able to harness the power of this theory that may take decades to experimentally confirm. This book that explores the invisible universe of geometry and space time is unmistakably written for a popular audience. However, the author includes extensive notes, a list of references and suggested reading, and an index. Kaku is a professor of theoretical physics with a Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley and author of three other books on related subjects. Hyperspace has been favorably reviewed in "Kirkus," the "New York Times Book Review" and the "Wall Street Journal." If you're looking for a real adventure read this book. Einstein's Dreams Alan Lightman Patheon Books 1993 $17.00 Fiction Lightman, who teaches physics and writing at M.I.T., is the author of this evocative novel that poetically describes the transformation of time. Lightman creates a series of thirty fictional dreams, each representing a different world in which time has taken a different physical form. Lightman uses human drama to describe how such a change in the physical universe affects experience. Lovers, relatives, friends, children in settings rich with pain, joy, excitement, shame or regret interact in a world where time is circular and all events repeat themselves, in a world where there is no past, in a world with a fixed future and in a world where time flows at different speeds in different geographical locations. In still another dream world, older people desperately try to capture an important moment from their lives which appears as a nightingal e and keep it forever. Although Lightman does not offer physics principles or theories in this book, he does connect science and the humanities, and Einstein's Dreams gets a very favorable review in "American Scientist." If you hate science but don't want your mind to atrophy, read Einstein's Dreams on your lunch hour. You'll love this short little book The Edges of Science: Crossing the Boundary From Physics to Metaphysics By Richard Morris Prentice Hall Press 1990 $18.95 Physics and Cosmology Richard Morris, a physicist and author of several books on scientific subjects, comments that the fields of physics and cosmology have expanded into realms inconceivable only a few years ago and that scientists are now asking questions and offering theories that it will take years to prove experimentally. Morris devotes the better part of this book to the development of modern physics and cosmology, offering concise summaries, asking and answering questions a non physicist would raise, defining terms and explaining theories in a clear, straightforward manner. His topics include quarks, the nature of matter, the big bang, the inflationary universe, superstrings, wormholes, dark matter, Einstein's blunder and the difference between physics and metaphysics. Morris identifies the difference between theories and speculation and provides careful analysis of the ideas of Stephen Hawking, Heinz Pagels, Steven Weinberg and others, pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of each. If you haven't read anything about physics in a long time and need a quick, easy to read field guide, start with The Edges of Science Dreams of Reason: The Computer and the Rise of the Sciences of Complexity Heinz R. Pagels Simon &Shuster 1988 $18.95 Complexity DPL One of the first and "one of the best books on the sciences of complexity" according to Seth Loyd, professor of mechanical engineering at M.I.T. in "Scientific American" (May 1996). Pagels, a physicist and author of The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics as the Language of Nature and Perfect Symmetry: The Search for the Beginning of Time focusses on three main themes: (1) the rise of the sciences of complexity that will directly challenge our values; (2) the role of the computer in research and in the reordering of knowledge; and (3) the philosophy of science, long abandoned by physicists and practicing scientists. The author explores concepts of selective systems, chaos, parallel systems, nonlinear dynamics and neural nets. Pagels predicts that use of the computer will horizontally integrate knowledge across traditional scientific disciplines creating a new synthesis of science that will replace our current concept of reality. Pagels book, which includes a bibliography and an index, is written for the nonphysicist with little technical background. It is an excellent introduction to complexity and offers a vision for the future that is still relevant today, eight years after the author's death. The Vindication of the Big Bang: Breakthroughs and Barriers By Barry Parker Plenum Press 1993 $24.95 Cosmology Barry Parker, a professor of physics and astronomy at Idaho State University, describes in this book the earliest discoveries in cosmology leading up to the formulation of the big bank theory. He includes many details of the theory, detractors of the theory, obstacles the theory has had to overcome and details of competing cosmology theories. Richard Matzner in "American Scientist" (Jan Feb 1995) cites Parker's handling of plasma cosmologies as "the penultimate chapter of this book." I particularly liked the way the author used extensive interviews to illuminate theorists behind the story, indicating that these scientists were quite human in their doubts, frustrations and mistakes. The photographs and sketches add to this personalizing effect. This book is useful in demonstrating that popular theories are not immediately accepted in the scientific community and that while a theory may at the moment seem airtight, tomorrow it may easily be outdated, outproven and replaced. Although the author avoids complex equations and mathematical details, this book is not as easy a read as reviewers indicate. When you're ready for somewhat of a challenge, dig in. Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy By Kip S. Thorne W. W. Norton 1994 $30.00 Cosmology $14.95 Paperback Kip Thorne is considered one of the world's experts on the intricacies of Einstein's general theory of relativity since he wrote Gravitation , the text used by today's physicists. Black Holes and Time Warps provides a history of gravitional physics in the twentieth century that highlights the contributions of several different sceintists. After providing an overview of Einstein's theories, Thorne in succeeding chapters presents the story of the gradual acceptance of the theory of black holes along with key experimental evidence pointing to their existence. Thorne correctly apportions credit for discoveries, concentrates on those properties of black holes that follow solely from Einstein's theory and investigates some of the theoretical consequences that follow from incorporating the rules of quantum theory into the picture. Besides black holes, Thorne discusses wormholes, spacewarps connecting regions of the cosmos and singularities, where space and time are so violently warped that time ceases to exist and space becomes foam. The book includes many helpful features such as (1) a list of characters, (2) a chronology of events, insights and discoveries, (3) a glossary, (4) notes, (5) a bibliography, (6) a subject index, and (7) a people index. To further assist the reader, Thorne provides photos, illustrations, sketches, summaries and historical anecdotes that breathe real life into a science of theories. Black Holes and Time Warps has a foreword by Stephen Hawking and an introduction by Frederick Seitz. In a review in "American Scientist", Paul Renteln states that "scientific issues are treated responsibly and accurately." Further, the reviewer states, "anyone who wants to know more about the extraordinary implications of Einstein's theory for our universe would be well advised to read this fine work." Thorne has a Ph.D. from Princeton and is currently the Feymman Professor of Theoretical Physics at Caltech. In many ways, this is a very big book Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos By M. Mitchell Waldrop Simon & Shuster 1992 $12.00 Philosophy Tattered Cover Paperback Mitchell Waldrop has a Ph.D. in physics, is the author of Man Made Minds and for ten years worked as a senior writer for "Science" magazine. Yet in this bestseller favorably reviewed in the popular press, the author writes much more about contemporary scientists themselves than he does about the science that deals with the infinity of possible patterns in domplex, adaptive, self organizing systems. Chapter after chapter contains extensive biographical information and personal anecdotes about the founder and members of the reknown Sante Fe Institute, a think tank formed in the mid 1980's for the study of complexity. The reader is introduced to the founder of the Institute, George Cowan, a Nobel laureate and former head of research at Los Alamos, to Murray Gell Mann, the Novel physicist who invented the idea of "quarks," to Philip Anderson, another physicist who won the Nobel for work in condensed matter, and to the economists Kenneth Arrow and Brian Arthur. Through the philosophical reflections of these scientists, and several others as well, the author clearly conveys the cross disciplinary nature of the science of complexity and the excitement generated by the new ideas presented at Sante Fe. Waldrop, through these multiple vignettes, gives the reader immediate familiarity with some of the brightest and the best in today's scientific community. A bibliography is included for those who want to pursue more technical information YOU MAY WANT TO CONSIDER The Holographic Universe By Michael Talbot Harper Collins 1991 $19.95 No Review Availabl Michael Talbot, author of Mysticism and the New Physics and Beyond the Quantum , draws heavily from the work of neurophysiologist Karl Pribram and quantum physicist David Bohm in this book based on the premise that there is little division between the physical world and our inner psychological reality. In the first few chapters Talbot discusses the holographic concept in terms of Pribram brain research and Bohm's concept of the universe as a giant flowing hologram with a deeper cosmic order of existence underlying that which we know as reality. Memories, vision and phantom limb syndrom are given as examples of information distributed in an internal hologram of the brain. A dynamic interconnectedness exists among all things and life is enfolded throughout the totality of the universe. Subsequent chapters deal with this theme of holographic interconnectedness as an explanation for Jung's collective unconscious, lucid dreaming, auto suggestion, telepathy, precognition, mysticism and psychokinesis. Talbot suggests that miracles, apparitions and UFO sightings are phenomenon produced by forces lying deep in the human mind, psychic holographic projections created by the collective unconscious. Using research and the findings of respected contemporary scientists, Talbot very skillfully interweaves physics, psychology and mysticism to produce a thought provoking book. Parallel Universes: The Search for Other Worlds By Fred Alan Wolf Simon & Shuster 1988 $19.95 No Review Available Tattered Cover Paperback An attempt to make sense of both quantum physics and general relativity makes for a new vision of reality which is parallel universe theory, the theme of this book by the physicist, Fred Allen Wolf, who won the American Book Award for Taking the Quantum Leap . After introducing the reader to Schrodinger's cat, Wigner's friend and the EPR paradox, the author illustrates the possibilities of quantum physics that give credence to many themes in contemporary science fiction. Wolf further postulates that black holes and lucid dreaming are actually gateways between universes and that time is not definate as we know it now but instead fluid so that the future can act upon the past and other pasts are "out there" waiting to be discovered. Wolf sees time existing in a hologram of parallel universes where one's viewpoint alters the hologram and assigns the hologram with probabilities. Nice features of this book include a glossary of terms, notes, bibliography and an index. Although parallel universe theory is not the unifying theory of everything that Einstein and scientists today seek, the ideas here are intriguing. This book is written for anyone who wants to know more about physics and the new paradigm. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion. Albert Einstein PART II MAGAZINES American Scientist Available: DPL Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society 345 Whitney Ave. New Haven, CT 06511 Covers a broad range of science topics. All articles are by reputable scientists and scholars. Extensive book review section. Intended audience is college and university level. Index. Astronomy Available: DPL, JCPL Kalmbach Publishing Co, 21027 Crossroads Circle, P.O. Box 1612, Waukesha, WI 5318 This is a beautiful magazine full of photography and illustrations. Regular departments cover news stories, hobby information, product reviews of instruments and software programs. Monthly sky almanac; sky maps that are useful. Well written feature stories. Useful book reviews. Index Home Page: http://www.kalmbach.com/astronomy.html Physics Today Available: DPL American Institute of Physics 500 Sunnyside Blvd. Woodbury, NY 11797 2999 Most approachable physics journal for the general public. Written for a wide audience. No highly technical material. Covers current issues in the field. Well illustrated articles. Carries news about the physics community and of significant discoveries. Has book and product reviews. Index Science Available: DPL, JCPL American Association for the Advancement of Science 1333 H St. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 Covers current events and findings on a weekly basis. General articles reveiw new developments in one field that may be of interest to readers in other fields; reports written by eminent specialists with the results of original research projects; produces a special issue with an annual book review section covering 10 to 15 books and listing all others reviewed in the past year. Index Home Page: http://www.aaas.org Scientific American Available: DPL, JCPL Scientific American, Inc. 415 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10017 Index. Offers broad range of articles covering archaeology, astronomy, earth science, medicine, psychology, technology. Attractive, easy Âșto use layout. Excellent book reviews appropriately grouped according to which division of science covered. Geared toward the educated. Runs a monthly column by James Burke. Of all the magazines listed, I like this one best. Don't miss it. Home Page: http://www.sciam.com Sky and Telescope Available: DPL, JCPL Sky Publishing Corp P.O. Box 9111 Belmont, MA 02178 Feature articles are more technical in language and presentation than "Astronomy." Valuable resource for serious amateurs and professionals. Provides readers with news about research, events and recent developments in the field. Has regular column on using computer programs to improve observation or to track or predict astronomical phenomena. Home Page: http://www.skypub.com